Tag Archive: pet toy


As animal communicators we use “confirmations” from the pet parent to know that we are doing a good communication. A funny example was when one dog in a large pet family of four dogs (all related) was complain that he couldn’t find his favorite toy and it was driving him crazy. As he was complaining about this to me, I could hear the other three dogs snickering and laughing in the background. He described the toy in great detail, and he even transferred a picture to me. When I told this information as part of the session details to his pet parent, she of course laughed out loud and confirmed that she had to hide this very toy from the other pups because they would chew it to pieces in a matter of seconds. As a great pet parent she was going to find a way for him to have some private play time with his favorite toy 🙂

At Animal Healings our Communication sessions start at 15 minutes and can go as long as 90 minutes per session depending on how many pets, topics and issues you wish to cover in one session. Skeptical or just wondering how the whole process works? Try just 15 minutes with us to see what it’s like to help a pet in need or just tell them how much you love them, it will amaze you!

The Cat Nip SnugglerTM – Our own invention now for sale in the Animal Healings Store! One full ounce of USA grown Organic Catnip.Stuffed in a full sized and snuggable pillow for any size cat or kitten.
